Wednesday 17 September 2014

Session 2-T-shirt project, my own work

First of all I positioned my top on to the mannequin. When I did this I wanted to to get the natural light and no camera shake so I held my breath and released when I took my picture.

I up loaded my picture to photoshop by opening it as a picture. I then used the ‘quick selection tool’ to select my t-shirt. Once it was all selected I copied it using (ctrl c ) and used ctrl v, which opened a new layer. I went to the layer and selected my new layer. On my new layer I used the ‘magnetic tool’ to get rid of any excess, to make multiply selections I used the shift key. The back key was used to get rid of my selections.  

I then went back to my first layer where I went to ‘layers and selected adjustments, from here I selected hue/saturation. I played around with the background to make by t-shirt stand out from the background

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